Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Cookies with Frinkles
Tobin, Melanie and Grandma had a blast last night making Christmas cookies with "frinkles". Well, with sprinkles. But that's how Tobin says it... Needless to say, Tobin did not get to bed until midnight, thanks to Mr. Sugar.
I love this time of year. I love being home to spend it with Melanie, my two girls, family and friends. I can get used to this. Very used to this!

Cheers to you and yours!
I love this time of year. I love being home to spend it with Melanie, my two girls, family and friends. I can get used to this. Very used to this!

Cheers to you and yours!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I was using the magic of Google to look up my e-trails tonight and found THIS LINK to some VERY old photo work of mine over at Hoard Magazine. Yeah, these are from my 35mm days. Ohhhh.....the money I use to dump on film!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Killing time with Mike and Claire..
I spent an awesome afternoon with Mike and Claire, shooting their engagement pics this past Saturday. After a few tall cups of coffee at Copper Rock, we spent an hour walking around town, hanging out and sharing plenty of laughs. Mike and Claire are a couple truly after my tastes in art and music. Claire is a graphic designer with plenty of amazing clients under her belt. With some luck, Claire and I will connect this summer to develop a branding scheme for my photo life. And Mike... I've known Mike for a few years, as he's been with Sunday of my all time fav local bands in Wisconsin. Larry and I went out to shoot their promos a few years back. If it wasn't for Mike, I wouldn't have known that a surf board could truly make an interesting promo shoot. (See my promo portfolio gallery on my site..)

I can't wait to shoot their wedding in May. I know that they will make for a memorable day of shooting!
I'm out for now...

I can't wait to shoot their wedding in May. I know that they will make for a memorable day of shooting!
I'm out for now...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Show and Tell
Our good friend Laurie had asked me a few months back to do a classroom presentation on photography at the school where she works. I jumped at the opportunity and am very thankful she offered this to me! I had an amazing time talking to some very cool 7th and 8th grade ELL students. These kids were on top of it, and swarmed me with some pretty good... ummmm....tough questions. All the kids loved seeing my gear, looking at my photos and learning about the basics of photography. It was suprising to see how much these guys already knew about making pictures. After it was all said and done, we got the students out of their desks and into the hallway to snap some shots! It was a learning experience for me too. I realized how awesome it was to share some of things I knew, to at least inspire other kids to think about making great photos. And not to mention we shared a ton of good laughs!

Melanie, Tobin, Zoee and I also got out to the mall to visit with Santa earlier in the day. Last year, Tobin was scared to death to see the man... This time around, we didn't even get to the front of the line and she ran up to Santa with open arms and her letter to Santa in hand. I love Christmas. Especially with kids!

We have the best Santa around!

Melanie, Tobin, Zoee and I also got out to the mall to visit with Santa earlier in the day. Last year, Tobin was scared to death to see the man... This time around, we didn't even get to the front of the line and she ran up to Santa with open arms and her letter to Santa in hand. I love Christmas. Especially with kids!

We have the best Santa around!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Wedding Photojournalist Association

I'm very excited to say that I have been selected as a member of the WPJA - Wedding Photojournalist Association! The WPJA only accepts the top 5% of wedding journalists across the world. Members are held to industry-leading standards, photography skills and business integrity.
This made for a very great day and was a real treat given my hectic week, as you can see below. As I type this, the house is in complete solitude as all three of my beautiful ladies are sound asleep.
Time to enjoy a cup of myself.
Friday, December 08, 2006
T-Minus 2 weeks? NOT!!!!
Meet Zoee!!!! Born on Decemeber 7th. 6 lbs, 2 oz. 19.5 inches. She's gorgeous, a good eater, healthy, and cute as a dang button! Here are a few quick photos from the hospital, along with a slide show of images.

Everybody enjoy....while Mel and I lose some more sleep! ;)
~Dave, Mel, Tobin, and Zoee

Everybody enjoy....while Mel and I lose some more sleep! ;)
~Dave, Mel, Tobin, and Zoee